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Surf through this site and have a laugh, before your computer crashes.
Are you TechnoCursed?  If so, and if you can write up your experiences in a way that is compelling, witty, clever, funny, insightful, pathetic and/or otherwise read-worthy, you might end up as the newest TechnoCursed author.  Oh yes, I forgot: it would help if you are independently wealthy because I cannot afford to pay my authors at the present time.  Once I win the lottery, though, this will definitely change.  What I can offer is a link to another Web site or sites that feature your work, a spot close to the top of my list of virtual heirs, and my undying gratitude for as long as my hard drive lasts.

Here's how it works: You paste the text directly into an e-mail (no attachments), and please keep the length to between 400 and 800 words.  I welcome non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and rants, and will review all submissions with my virtual editorial board before deciding whether to accept a piece. Send to and put "submission" in the subject of the e-mail.

Thank you, from the bottom of my TechnoCursed heart.

Marilyn D. Davis