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Even the Webmistress of TechnoCursed was a teen once.  Read about her Unkissed Self in Chocolate for a Teen's Spirit.
Surf through this site and have a laugh, before your computer crashes.
Heartwarming  (heartmelting?) essays by some of your favorite authors, including the WebMistress of TechnoCursed.
The title says it all.
Buying the right computer is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth.
Even if technology
makes you weep, you'll laugh!
Molly Giles' second short story collection. Brilliant!
Witty, poignant first-person essays about girlhood to womanhood to motherhood. Girlfriends rule!
A collection of cartoons by Randy Glasbergen about modern office technology and the madness it inspires.
Molly Giles' first collection of short stories. You won't be able to put it down.
Even the Webmistress of TechnoCursed was a teen once.  Read about her Unkissed Self in Chocolate for a Teen's Spirit.